
Resources provided solely for your information and convenience, and do not imply endorsement.

Erie County Office for People with Disabilities Provides a comprehensive and searchable database of community agencies and services for individuals with a disability in Erie County.

Buffalo RPM Empowers people with autism and related disabilities with Rapid Prompting Method (RPM). RPM is a learning method that leads to communication. Through age-appropriate teaching and the use of multi-sensory prompts to engage the student, RPM provides a means to demonstrate knowledge, understanding, reasoning, and thought which can lead to educational growth, self-expression, and fuller participation in society.

Center for Children and Families An interdisciplinary center at the University at Buffalo which studies the causes, mechanisms, outcomes, and treatment for mental health and educational difficulties of children and adolescents, and provides education and services for their families and professionals.

Cerebral Palsy Guidance Provides vital guidance and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Guide Provides free educational materials, financial options and support to help those across the country affected by cerebral palsy (CP) – a disability caused by brain damage that restricts normal movement and coordination.

Communicating with an Autistic Child: A Parent’s Guide Provides a variety of resources related to communicating with and parenting a child with autism.

DD Info Link – An online, searchable directory of programs specifically designed for people with developmental disabilities, their family members, and service providers.

Parent to Parent of New York State Provides an online site where families of individuals with special needs and the professionals who serve them can meet and share information.

Parent Network of WNY Supports families and professionals to empower individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential.

Have a suggested resource? Contact us: williamsvilleseptsa@gmail.com